Tuesday 26 April 2011

Fantastic Fiction

It occurred to me today when I was visiting this very useful site that some people may not be aware of it.

The site is Fantastic Fiction and it is a fantastic resource. For example if you are buying a series of books one at a time, it isn’t always clear which one comes next, but on Fantastic Fiction the books are listed chronologically.

It also gives the pen names of authors so you may find that a favourite author also writes under another name.

Look at that, a short post from me with no photos of flies. Whatever next!


  1. I love Fantastic Fiction, only thing is it increases my wishlistx

  2. Ah there is that, Jenny - but that's a good thing :-)

  3. We refer to this all the time at the library, particularly when customers want to know the next book in a series - it's better than Amazon :o)

  4. It's one of my favourite sites, Karen. I hadn't thought about it being used by libraries! And I agree it's better than Amazon :-)

  5. Thank you Teresa. Another useful bit of info! More temptation - but as you so reassuringly said - more research!! xx

  6. I'm going straight there now. Many thanks. Teresa!

  7. Great site, Teresa. Thanks!

    I get everso mixed up with my Alexander McCall Smiths!

  8. Thank you for sharing the site with us. My friend Elizabeth Lord is listed on there with all her novels.

    My wish is to be listed on there one day in the not to distance future ;-)

  9. Thanks for sharing this site Teresa. I've already found a few of my favourite authors have books due out in the next month or two.

  10. Thanks for that, Teresa. It looks really interesting.

  11. Back again, Teresa, to say I've given you a Versatile Blogger Award, cause I love your blog and I'm happy to be able to pass this to you. You can pick it up (if you wish to accept) at: http://romygemmell.blogspot.com

  12. Interesting site, Teresa. Thanks.

  13. Research covers a multitude of sins, Sue!

    Hope you enjoy it, Joanna!

    It’ll help you get unmixed up, Bernadette :-)

    I’m sure your name will be on there one day, Jarmara!

    That’s excellent Carol :-)

    You’re welcome, Rosemary :-)

    You’re on there, Frances - did you look yourself up?

    Ooh thank you, Rosemary – I’ll pick that up later, thank you ever so much.

    It’s a great site, Gail.

  14. That does sound useful. But where are the pictures of flies?
