Tuesday 23 June 2015

Getting On

I haven’t posted an update for a while re Dusty and Harley.

Dusty had to have another six week course of antibiotics earlier this year (after I’d posted the last update) for his persistent jaw infection and our vet hopes that if it comes back again, it will be possible to give him more antibiotics rather than operate to remove that part of his jaw. Of course there is no way of knowing how this will turn out and I don’t want to jinx things like I usually do, so I’m saying nothing….

After Harley had her teeth cleaned and came home with sparkly gnashers and a clean bill of health, I took her back a couple of months later for a check-up and the tartar was back. She has dental food, Plaque-off and dental treats. Neal says I am doing everything right and like Dusty, Harley is a mystery.

She has to go back in July for another check and if there is still a problem, Neal will repeat the tests as the one for calicivirus (which was what he thought it might be) can give a false negative result.

It’s so odd because she is otherwise healthy, her coat is as soft as silk and lovely and thick and her eyes are bright. I’ve had a peek at her gums and I’m saying nothing – I don’t want to jinx her either. She loves the big chunky dental biscuits and munches into them with no problem which indicates that her gums aren’t sore.

And we’ve been back to the vet with Dusty as he started holding one back leg up – sort of. He was balancing on his toes, just in the evenings. He still bounces up and down on his back legs in typical spring-er spaniel fashion and out on his walks, he never limps or falters.

He’s been on an anti-inflammatory medication for the past two weeks and has stopped standing on his toes. Today he went back, starved and ready for sedation in case he needed an x ray, but because he’s doing so well, they decided to wait and see. Now he has to stop the anti-inflammatory and if the limp comes back, then he will have to have the x ray.

The worry is that he has a cruciate ligament problem. I don’t even want to think about that and what it could entail.

And me? After five lots of antibiotics, I’ve got an appointment with an ENT specialist in August – almost a year after my problems started. Would you believe within a week of the appointment coming through, I started to feel a lot better? Not completely though, so I won’t cancel the appointment.

In other news, my youngest grandchild starts school in September. Gulp. What a milestone!