Monday 18 October 2010

"Sweet Friends" Blog Award

Lovely Joanne Fox over at a Zigzag Road has given me a blog award (Congratulations on winning yours Joanne).

I’m not ashamed to say I love awards – that’s why I’ve hung on to my cycling proficiency certificates and my swimming certificates! I’m an award tart and this one is very pretty – and very welcome, thank you Joanne!

As a condition of accepting the award I have to tell you six things about my writing – and this is harder than it sounds!

Okay, here goes.

1) I used to write lots of confession stories. They were usually anonymous and I used to love getting my teeth into them and wreaking revenge on all and sundry. My poor beloved used to read them and say, “You were cross with me when you wrote this weren’t you?”

2) My first ever story was published with the pen name Isabel Douglas. Before I was published I used to plan to call myself Charlotte Macey which was based on one of my many nicknames as a child “Charlie Macey” but I have never used that name. Other nicknames included Maria Martin, Tessa, Tallulah, You Bloody Little Perisher and Tilly none of which I have ever used. And no I didn’t name my dog after me; she came to us with her name Tilly.

3) I find it very difficult not to waffle – I’m sure you’ve noticed this. When writing a story I have to be very strict with myself or I’d be meandering off all over the place which is probably why I go on and on so much on here.

4) I don’t do well with technology. You may have noticed this too. I still haven’t figured out how to put links in my blog without putting in the whole address. * Thanks to Patsy I now know the secret!*

5) My children were neglected. I can still remember them standing behind me as I typed and telling me that it was 7.30 and they were hungry and it was nearly bedtime. I’d written three stories that day. I could no more write three stories in a day now than I could do long division.

6) Many years ago I wrote a 120,000 word novel for a competition which is the longest work I’ve ever done. I found it recently and it is rubbish. The same is true of all the novels I have written, except the ones that are lost forever – they were brilliant of course!

And now I am delighted to pass on the award to six more people. Well here are my six chosen ones.

Suzanne at Suzanne Jones
Lynne Hackles at I Should be Writing
Frances at Frances Garrood


  1. Yay! An award for me!!! Thank you.

    Ooops, it would have been more polite (and sweeter) to congratulate you first. Congratulations, Teresa.

    I enjoy reading your blog (number 3 wasn't a huge surprise to me, but I don't see it as a disadvantage)

    Rergarding number 4 - type out your blog post, open the site you want to link to and copy the adress, highlight the text in your post that you want to become the link, click on where it says 'link' above your text, paste the address in the box marked 'web address' then click OK. You'll get up some funny purple writing but don't worry about that.

  2. Thank you so much Patsy! At last my blog looks like a proper blog, bless you :-)

  3. Oh I did enjoy reading your six things! Three stories in one day - wow! I'm sure I've never managed that in my whole life. (And I'd be rubbish at long division too!)

  4. Congratulations and thanks, Sweet Teresa. I shall do my best to stick with the rules and even try to get the award over to my blog. I'm a bigger technophobe than you are.
    Writers have so many sweet and precious friends. We are so lucky.

  5. Congratulations on yours, and thank you for mine. I've scheduled it for tomorrow. :o)

  6. Long division used to be one of my favourite things. I'd trade that for three stories in a day though!

  7. Joanne - it's such a relief to meet someone else who can't do long division :-)

    You are very welcome Sweet Lynne and you are one of my most precious writing friends!

    Looking forward to reading yours, Diane.

    Argh - Bernadette, seriously? I had extra lessons after school to try to help my maths to no avail. I have to be very careful with numbers and I'm constantly checking and double checking - it was a big mistake on the part of my boss when he gave me the company accounts to do I can tell you!!!

  8. Congratulations, Teresa - and thank you so much for my award. I'll have a think and make it my next blog post.


  9. Congrats Teresa! I love your six things-very entertaining :)

  10. Thanks for the award, Teresa.
    I'm still trying to think of six things to say.

  11. I'm looking forward to it, Suzanne :-) Hope you're okay now!

    Thank you Lacey!

    I found it so hard to think of 6, Keith, then once I started yapping I couldn't stop as you probably noticed! Look forward to reading yours!

  12. I loved reading this, especially the children waiting to be fed. I can identify with that one.

  13. Very hard to concentrate isn't it, Joanna with children making hungry noises!
