Saturday 7 October 2017

Not Again!

I was there on Thursday.  I went down before the PS Waverley was due to sail. It was windy. I’d rushed the dogs round the field at double quick time so I could be there. No sign of her.

We saw LV18.


And a solar powered light vessel.

A young gull sitting on a small boat.

But no Waverley.

We waited, then got fed up being blown by the wind and went home. So maybe she nipped in and out again as we were walking away. I know she sailed to London that day.

I did see a rainbow Thursday evening though. It was a completely perfect one, but I couldn’t get the whole thing in shot. It really was beautiful and I took time to stand and stare and wonder at the marvels of nature. It rather made up for missing the boat.

There is something about ploughed fields that appeals to me. And if you look closely, you can see the sea in the distance and Walton-on-Naze.


  1. Oh bless you you're fated not to see Waverley aren't you. But wow that rainbow. And yes ploughed fields. New beginnings. We always think of Spring as the time of new beginnings and I have to say it is my very favourite season. But there is something about Autumn too that speaks of new beginnings. Ploughed earth ready for their seeds, maybe a time to slow down a little and enjoy cosy evenings in front of the fire, perhaps with a good book.
    Gorgeous photos as always Teresa :-) xx

    1. Yes, that's true, I'd never thought of it like that before, but it is just that, new beginnings. Thank you for stopping by, Sue :-) xx

  2. Well the rainbow certainly makes up for missing the boat, although seeing both would have been nice. :D

    I hope you have a good weekend, the weather here is cold and windy but at least it's dry.

    1. Hopefully I'll see the boat next year - if I remember to look out for it :-D

      Blowing a hooley here too! Hope you are having a good weekend.

  3. Sorry you missed the Waverley - but pleased there were other things of interest for you to photograph and share with us.

  4. Gorgeous rainbow (as I said under your previous post) and some good shots of the other vessels - shame you missed the boat again but I enjoyed the journey through your photos :-) X

    1. Thank you. It really was a beautiful evening! X

  5. You and the Waverley were destined not to meet! Never mind, the rainbow made up for it.

  6. On balance, I'd rather see the rainbow 🌈 x

    1. It really was beautiful - and uplifting :-)

  7. It looks as if the rainbow came down in front of the trees so you did see the end of the rainbow if not the Waverley.

    1. I was tempted to run across the field and see if I could find the pot of gold ;-)

  8. At least it wasn't your fault you missed it this time, and there's always next year.

    Really like the photos you took, and it's always good to see a rainbow.x

    1. Thank you, Carol. There is something hopeful about a rainbow isn't there x
