Saturday 22 March 2014

What a difference!

After the heartache of the last two and a half years losing first Tilly, then Indy, I said I could never go through that again. No more dogs. I also said that about cats after Sammy died, then of course we got Fizz.

Followed by Harley - who doesn't really have daffs growing out of her head!

And at first I thought they'd never get along, but now they're the best of friends and Harley adores her big sister.

Then a week ago today I saw the pup, Dusty. He’s black and white like Sweep, our first springer and the reason I fell in love with the breed. He has a white smudge on his nose like Indy and a lot of white fur like Tilly. But he's most definitely his own person. We've called him Dusty, but still not sure if he's really a Dusty!

He also has his tail left as nature intended! And his parents – gorgeous, friendly dogs both.

What a difference he’s made. This has been such a sad house for so long, this little bundle has brought so much happiness with him. Even the cats have perked up. They keep well out of his way when he’s having a mad five minutes, but they’ll go to sleep close to him – not close enough to touch mind you – and they’ll rub noses and they're starting to play with him.

On the day we brought him home, Harley couldn’t believe her eyes!

I’m getting by on about 4 hours sleep a night. He’s chewed through the phone wire and a pair of crocs (my fault), not to mention fingers, toes, arms, legs, feet…. 

I’m not getting anything done, but I haven’t felt as happy as this for a long time.


  1. Great there's a happy ending! The more pets you have then in due course there's more grief, but greater joy too overall. Best of luck with your new puppy. :)

  2. Oh so cute, and Harley's face is saying 'what the heck is this that's landed on my settee?' So funny.

    1. I'm sure that is exactly what she was saying x

  3. Oh, good for you, Teresa! And a very lucky puppy.

    1. Thank you, Frances. It had to happen really x

  4. I'm so happy to read this, Teresa - glad that you're happy again and that the mood of the house is lifted. I wish you many long, fun-filled years with your new pets and look forward to reading about their antics.xx

    1. Thank you :-) And I bet I'm soon complaining about standing in the middle of a field for an hour while he ignores me, or the fact that he's rolled in something stinky, but I'm so looking forward to it x

  5. Sweep looks so cute, Teresa.

    Really pleased you are all happy again, and I'm sure we can look forward to many updates and pictures.

    1. Thank you, Carol. I realised when I read your comment that I'd forgotten to put his name and it looked like we'd called him Sweep, so have edited the post now x

  6. If you are a pet lover (as you are), then its the natural progression. I am so happy for you, and wish you lots and lots of happy years together.

  7. So glad you decided to get another dog, Teresa - he's gorgeous. You've quite a houseful now!

  8. what a great team you have there. Great to see them getting on so well.

    1. The cats see the advantages to having a dog around - all the neighbourhood cats that have been coming into the garden and scaring them now keep their distance. And he loves having cats that knock things on the floor for him to eat/play with, so you're right - they're quite a team x

  9. Hope you decide to stick with the name, Sweep, Teresa. It suits the new puppy so well. He's adorable. You'll have to get a little Sooty now to complete the quartet. Rx

    1. He's Dusty, Rena, but you're right, Sweep would have suited him too. You're right - a quartet would be nice. Three's a crowd, hm... food for thought x

  10. Yeah, Dusty. I can see him as a Dusty. It also kind of gets you out of the Sweep thing .. maybe! Rx

  11. Really happy for you Teresa and what a cutie he is.

  12. Aaaw he's cute. Glad he's making you happy and hope you get some sleep soon.

    1. Thanks, Patsy. It was just after 4 this morning he woke me up! But he did need to go outside, so I can't complain x

  13. If you're a dog person you cannot be happy without a dog can you, Teresa? So happy for you and it was lovely to read how happy you are after the sadness.

    He is just SO cute. Er - smudge on the nose. Smudge? Just saying!!! :o) xx

    1. Thank you, Sue! Smudge was one of the names we considered before settling on Dusty x

  14. Happy tears for you here, Teresa!
    Tim 'n' Ted are chuffed to have a new doggie friend to talk to and send tail wags and welcome licks to Dusty - and licks to you, too!

  15. You sound wonderfully happy, Teresa. I'm so, so glad. Dusty is unutterably gorgeous and I can imagine the joy he has brought you. It's really lovely to know how happy you

  16. Teresa, I feel your joy, and it gladdens my heart! I am so glad you have found Dusty...

    1. Thanks Maria. I'm so glad we found him too. It really feels as if it was meant to be x

  17. Oh, he's adorable, Teresa - no wonder you fell for him. Great to hear you're feeling so much happier now and no doubt all three pets will provide lots of pleasure.

    1. Thank you, Rosemary. It is so lovely to have the three of them all young together x

  18. Ah, what a gorgeous pup! So glad you are feeling brighter again. Dusty is in good hands and he'll soon lose the habit of chewing everything in sight I am sure. The children's teachers were never very impressed when they turned up for school in trainers because our pup had chewed their shoes, years ago now of course. Memories! Oh and remember the #shelfie pics? Mine won 50 top titles, not sure what the titles are but thank you for putting me in touch with the competition. I am really pleased! :-)

    1. Wow that is FANTASTIC Debbie! I'm so glad you won!

      Now that brings back memories - sending kids to school in trainers because their school shoes had been chewed up! x

  19. What a wonderful, upbeat post. Your happiness shines through, Teresa! Welcome, little Dusty. I hope all three will get on just fine.

    1. Thank you! They're already seeing an upside - the cat that has been coming into the garden and terrorising Fizz seems to be keeping his distance now x

  20. Aw, what a sweetheart - and he looks right at home. Cuddles from me to Dusty, Fizz and Harley.


  21. I'm sure Dusty is now a very happy doggy in the Ashby household. :)

    1. He is very happy, a very cheery little pup x

  22. So very pleased for you Teresa - that you have found happiness with little Dusty. A house without a dog really isn't a home, is it? After having had some time with an older and then sick dog and then no dog at all (misery) I found I had quite forgotten just how much energy and fun a young dog has to share. When Dino arrived he was a revelation! After all your recent sad times I'm so glad you now have years of happiness to look forward to! xx

    1. You went through much the same as us, Lydia, didn't you. And it just doesn't feel right without a dog around does it? It does come as a shock though after so many years of calm older dogs to find this whirlwind with teeth bombing about. He does make us laugh though with his antics and I'm so looking forward to getting out and about with him for some lovely long walks x

  23. What a beautiful boy Dusty is, he's looks like a beautiful bundle of fun! I love your pictures of Fizz and Harley, especially the one of Harley, she really does look like she can't believe her eyes

    1. He is lots of fun - and Harley still looks at him sometimes in disbelief x

  24. So pleased for you Teresa, how adorable he looks - impossible not to love!

    1. Thank you. He is very adorable - even if I do have to keep fishing stones out of his mouth... and a snail x

  25. Oh, he is such a little love. So glad you are now a happy household again. x

  26. Awwww Dusty!! Awwww it's so lovely to meet you!! What a gorgeous pooch you are!! And we just know you and darling Harley and Fizz will be bestest pals!!! Take care

    1. Fizz thinks he's a ugly cat and rolls round with him, Kitty. Harley just stands by and pinches his food x

  27. Dusty looks adorable, I'm so thrilled you've got him. I love these photos, especially the one with Harley staring so intently at Dusty!

  28. Awe, bless you, dear Teresa. My human and I know just how much you love animals. Your heart shines through in this post.

    On behalf of my human, Gary,

    Hugs from Penny x

  29. What a beautiful post, Teresa. I'm so glad Dusty has brought with him so much happiness. XX
