Saturday 1 June 2013


Well she doesn't have a name yet. 

She's not even the kitten I'd planned to bring home. I'd more or less decided on one or both of the little boy kittens, but this little girl won my heart when she snuggled up to me.

Indy doesn't mind her at all - but she's a little daunted by him as I don't think she's seen a dog before.

Would you believe Beloved stood there when I was choosing and said, "We could take the little black boy kitten as well..." Once I'd scraped my jaw up off the floor I said I'd rather not risk it!

They'd named her Buck's Fizz. Fizz suits her. But she hasn't decided what she wants to be called yet - you know how it is!


  1. Wow! She looks so cute...I'm sure her name will come to you very soon.

    1. She is extremely cute - I can't believe how quickly I fell in love with her, Maria :-) x

  2. How adorable! I think the name Fizz is just right for a kitten.

  3. OMG she's GORGEOUS. Welcome, Fizz - you will be well loved by all! We can't wait to hear all about your antics in the years to come. Caroline x

    1. She's certainly made herself at home, Caroline :-) As for antics - loads already :-) x

  4. What a beautiful kitten, Teresa! She has such a lovely face. Great news that Indy doesn't mind having her around. I'm sure the feeling will soon be mutual x

    1. Indy has been great, Sharon - she's already snuggled up on top of him before realising her mistake, not that he minded :-) x

    2. I was hoping something like that would happen for you. My neighbours were telling me recently that once upon a time they had both a labrador and a daschund dog. You can guess the rest, the smaller dog got into the habit of sleeping on top of the larger one. I can't see it makes a difference that Fizz is a kitten. She's female, she'll find a way x

    3. Good job it wasn't the other way round, Sharon :-) My daughter's pup used to sleep on top of her older dog (another female so she knew what she was doing) :-) x

  5. Oh she is beautiful Teresa. What a lucky kitten to be part of the Ashby family. Fizz is a fantastic name and it does suit her. Look at her up the scratching pole already!! How lovely that Indy is fine with her too and I'm sure she will soon be captivated by Indy. How could she not be :o) xx

    1. She took to that scratching pole straight away, Sue :-) x

  6. She's adorable, Teresa. She'll be 'spoiled and loved to pieces' as well.
    It's great Indy doesn't mind her - I bet she'll fall in love with him when she stops feeling daunted.

    Woof-woof. Hi, Indy. Tim 'n' Ted here. So you've got a little kitten at your place? You'll have to tell us all about living with a kitten. We have never seen one. We haven't seen a full grown cat close up, either.
    Anyway, we hope you're feeling well - do you like the warmer weather? We aren't too keen on it but we've got very thick hair even though our human uses all sorts of awful devices to thin it out.
    Take care and give your humans and the new kitty a lick from us.

    1. Hi Tim 'n' Ted - I have to tell you there are great advantages. I'm getting even more fuss than usual plus the kitten leaves her food lying around - how careless! So far I haven't been able to snaffle any of it, but I intend to keep trying. And I keep emptying her water bowl, arf arf! I am enjoying the warmer weather, but I know you lads have very thick coats xx

  7. I'm thrilled you've got the kitten, Teresa - you will love watching the dog and cat together, just as I do x

    1. Thanks, Wendy - I had forgotten how much fun a kitten can have with a swishy tail :-) x

  8. She is absolutely gorgeous, Teresa. I'm glad Indy likes her. Who couldn't fall in love with such a beautiful kitten? She's very lucky to have come to live with you. x

    1. She is very sweet, Joanna and has already come out of her shell :-) x

  9. Oooh, a kitty! What a lovely silvery stripey tiger! She is already practising to climb that oak tree.

    1. She's looking out of the window at it as I type, Joanne :-) She's also practising her climbing skills on bare legs - ouch :-) x

  10. She is so beautiful and I do love cats. Fizz suits her very well.

    1. She is a funny little thing, Maggie - completely different to the quiet little puss I brought home yesterday! Queen Bee already! She may be called Dusty... still haven't decided, but I agree Fizz suits her :-) x

  11. Aw, she's GORGEOUS, Teresa :0) xx

    1. Her gorgeousness knows no bounds, Suz :-) x

  12. SO cute, whatever you decide to call her :o)

    1. She seems to be Fizz, Karen - that's the name that stuck :-) x

  13. It will always be a purrfect match when it is the owner who is selected by the cat, rather than the other way around! The Ashby household has been 'chosen' - lucky you!

    1. Yes she definitely did the choosing, Simon - and we do feel very lucky to have her :-) x

  14. Oh Teresa she is soo adorable, how I miss having a kitty around...All my cats are adults. I am sure she'll get used to Indy. My cats are sleeping on the German Shepherd now, and they used to be terrified by her.

    1. She curled up to sleep with Indy this afternoon, Petronela - I love that your cats sleep on your Shepherd :-) x

  15. Just done a clappy happy Ahh she's got a kitten dance! So thrilled for you she's beautiful. :-)

  16. Ooh, she's lovely. I want one! And you know what? I wouldn't mind if she slept in my chairs!

    1. I bet she'd love sleeping in your chairs too, Maria - and she loves cushions :-) x

  17. So adorable and very cuddly by the look of things!

    I've given you a Liebster Award over at my blog, but don't feel you have to do it if you'd rather not. x

    1. Thank you, Debs :-) I'm really chuffed :-) x

  18. Oh she's so purrrfect Teresa. Now you will be writing some great cat stories hopefully.xx

    1. Oh I hope so - she's already got my mind buzzing :-) x

  19. She is so cute and cuddly - I do like the name Fizz!

  20. So pleased for you! There is nothing like an animal youngster in the house! Adorable.xx

    1. I think having her here has given us all a much needed lift, Lydia :-) x

  21. Hi Teresa,

    Penny has just read this posting and looked at the photos. We both think she's so cute, for a cat :) I'm sure the appropriate name will soon be found for the cat. It seems your Beloved is softening to the idea of a cat, or cats :) Penny says hi to Indy.

    Penny's human,

    Gary :) x

    1. I did wonder what Penny would make of her, Gary! Indy says tell Penny he has a furry little hot water bottle that chases his tail :-) x

  22. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! My goodness! Oh my teeth and gums are melting from ALL. THE. CUTE!!!!! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! Fizz and Indy!! What a great pair!!! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Take care
