Saturday 22 December 2012

And it's Happy Season's Eatings from Him!

She didn’t mention my latest glucose curve and how brave I was did she? Well as she didn’t, I won’t either, but suffice to say I now have an ear with more holes in it than a tea strainer!

I had to have a proper blood test at the vet’s yesterday too and before we went, she chased me round the garden with an empty Clover tub, then blow me if she didn’t hold it under me when I was about to do what a chap has to do! Talk about off-putting. Still it made her happy.

I’d put on a bit of weight which made everyone smile. Never thought I’d hear myself say that!

The vet said my cataracts are a little worse and they talked a bit about operations, but Herself said it wasn’t something she’d want to put me through as I get so stressed about such things. Me? Ha, what is she like? But all the same – phew!

The proper blood test showed that my glucose levels are still going too high and too low and Tom thinks it might be a rebound effect (my body going into panic mode and dumping a load of glucose into my system), so he’s reduced my insulin. Another two weeks and it’ll be another curve to see how I’m doing.

I hope all you lovely peeps have a brilliant Christmas! I’ve peeked and I’m getting toys instead of eatables and I happen to know one of them has a squeaker – arf, arf, arf!


  1. You're looking good. Hope Santa brings you what you wanted

    1. It's not a recent picture I must admit, but it's one of her favourites :-) x

  2. Why your ear? That sounds terribly painful. But enjoy your squeaky toys!

    1. It's the ear, a paw pad or the inner lip! She's too squeamish to do the lip one and I don't notice her doing the ear :-) x

  3. Keep being brave, Indy!
    We're glad you're having a new squeaky for Crimbo. Don't drive your herself too mad with it or she might send it back to Santa!

    Hope you and your humans have a really great time
    Woof,licks and tail wags
    Tim 'n' Ted
    xxxx (from our herself)

    1. I will Tim 'n' Ted arf arf - drive herself mad that is!

      Hope you and your human beans have loads of fun too, woofs and tail wags for you and xxx for your herself!

  4. I have been enjoying treats every day with my advent calendar full of Dreamies for cats. I'm looking forward to the little toy mouse in the final window on the 24th.

    I hope you have lots of nice things for Christmas too and I'm glad you're keeping so well.

    Mewy Christmas

    Love Holly the kitten. x

  5. You're very lucky Holly - I wish I had an advent calendar. I'll tell herself it's not too late and I can just eat all the eaties up in one go. I miss having a little purry to cuddle up with (but don't tell anyone or I'll lose my field cred) - and you have a very pretty Christmassy name :-) xx

  6. Have a great Christmas, Indy, and come back to keep us entertained in 2013!

    1. Thank you, Rosemary - I will if she'll let me :-) x

  7. Ohhh you are a handsome chap in that photo Indy! Do you have a girlfriend? Lily the Dog (stayin' for a while at the human's house) xxx

    1. Thank you, Lily, I am aren't I? I'm very cuddly too and a good listener and no, I don't have a girlfriend - but lots of friends who are girls xx

  8. Indy you're so gorgeous I'm sure mummy's doing the best for you. Happy Chrissy and if it's any consolation, I'm having to cut down as well.... xx no I thought it wouldn't be;)

    1. Herself has looked into what treats a diabetic dog can have and there aren't many - sigh - but I don't complain. Much xx

  9. Greetings to you, amazing dog, Indy,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar has told me of you. Of how wonderful and brave you are. How you share your unconditional love with your human family.

    I do so wish you well for the future. You incredible dog. May you and your humans have a lovely Christmas.

    In magic, your way, Geoffrey the garden gnome :) x

  10. Hello Geoffrey! Thank you for your kind words. We have a garden gnome who likes to lie down face first in the mud - often after I've given him a sniff, but he's always got a smile on his face xx

  11. Just remember Indy - those choccies around the tree are not for you. But I'm sure there'll be lots of other treats and cuddles to keep you happy.

    1. She's paranoid about sweet things, Maggie - she shut me out of the kitchen when she was icing her cake in case I inhaled any of the sugar flying around. As if! I Ask you! But I will be enjoying my cuddles xx

  12. Have a lovely Christmas, Indy - and I hope all your humans do, too.

  13. Wishing you and Herself a very Happy Christmas, Indy.x

    1. And Happy Christmas to you and Grumps - woof xx

  14. Awwwwww!! Beautiful Indy!!! I hope you get lots of wonderful woofie pressies from Santa for being such a brave doggie!! You take care now please!! x

  15. Wishing you a very happy Christmas Indy, and all your lovely family too. Here's to a healthy and fun 2013. x

    1. Thanks, Joanne and to you and Handsome Harvey too xx

  16. A very Happy Christmas to you and your family too :o) x

  17. Hope you had a lovely Christmas, Indy. xx

    1. I did thank you, Suz :-) I bit the head off my new squeaky duck and ripped all his stuffing out, then I took my new rope toy round the garden, dropped it in the mud and brought it back in and I did that about a hundred times. I was very happy :-) xx

  18. :) I wish you happy Holidays and a lovely New Year filled with astonishing, breathtaking new experiences...Kisses.

    1. Thank you, Petronela - I wish the same for you! Have a wonderful 2013 x

  19. Just finished reading the Colonel and his Daughter and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was fast, funny and I felt that I was actually in that village. I am now reading some of your short stories.

    1. Thank you, it is lovely of you to say that - I really enjoyed writing that one :-) Watch this space tomorrow as I'm doing a giveaway of one of the short story books. Hope you had a lovely Christmas :-) x

  20. Teresa, I love your puppy! I've just snuck over from Gary's blog. It's so nice to meet you. Your puppy is beautiful. Hope the vet does well by him. Happy New Year.

    1. Thank you, Joylene :-) Our vet is lovely - he's working very hard to help us.
      Happy New Year to you and thank you for dropping by. I'll be visiting you soon :-) x
