Thursday, 9 June 2011

Any Idea?

What this is? It grows in abundance along the dykes down on the marshes.

And here is a picture (don’t say you weren’t warned) of not-so-little me wearing my prize T shirt and reading my prize book, Bound to Love by Sally Clements – thanks to the lovely Minxes.

Actually I’m not reading the book yet, but it is next in the queue in my To Be Read pile.

Not blogging much at the mo. Just wait till I get my new computer – you’ll never get me to shut up, but for now everything is such an effort.

I can’t even get on Julie P’s blog - sorry Julie. Computer says no apparently. Computer is a pain in the whatsit. You wouldn't believe how long it took me to post this!


  1. Oh Mother!!! You and cameras!!!

    By the way that stuff growing, its called grass. I believe it grows everwhere ;o)

    tee hee


  2. I can't identity the flowers, but computers ALL seem to be misbehaving at the moment. I think it's some kind of conspiracy. (or as the verification word says, swinso.)

  3. Lizzieoaks - those flowers have been bothering me for years. Not bothering me in the sense that they follow me around making annoying comments, but every year they come out and every year I want to know what they are. Grass - tah ;-)

    Frances, I think swinso is an excellent word for it! I just tried to comment on yours, but I think I lost the connection. Hope you have a wonderful time!

  4. The plant is called Salsify also known as Goat's beard you can sometimes see it as a yellow flower this plant has the strange name Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon as the flower close up at noon

    You look great in your T shirt... be what has it got written on it?

  5. Wow Jarmara - I'd given up hope of ever finding out what it was THANK YOU!! I've just been looking it up - and it's edible. I have been trying to find out what it is for years. I'm not surprised to read that it is related to the dandelion with those wonderful "clocks".

    I couldn't get a bigger picture on the blog - computer kept saying no so I had to download it small - but if you click on it, you'll see what the T shirt says!

    Thank you again for identifying the plant!!

  6. Thank you too Jamara, I've had a few of the yellow version in my garden the last two years and wondered what they were.

    Love the t-shirt slogan Teresa. :-)

  7. So THAT'S what salsify is! They're forever cooking with it on Masterchef and we can never find it anywhere - who said blogging isn't edukashonal?!

    Good luck with the new computer :o)

  8. I wouldn't have known that was salsify. Pretty! (Don't know what it would taste like - salty?)

  9. I wondered what salsify looked like too! Love the t-shirt, Teresa, but we can't see your face (yes, I'm sure that was on purpose!).

  10. Salsify? How lovely. This blog is sooo informative!
    Congratulations on winning the book + cool t shirt :)

  11. Carol, I didn't even know there was a yellow version until Jarmara said. Isn't it amazing!

    Great isn't it, Karen. I'd heard of salsify, but wasn't sure where.

    Joanne, it is called the oyster plant (I think) - not that I'd know what an oyster tasted like - shudders - but yes, I imagine salty!

    I hate having my photo taken, Rosemary! The T shirt is great isn't it and it's lovely material and a gorgeous colour!

    Thanks penandpaints - I'm so grateful to Jarmara for putting me out of my misery. That really has been bothering me for so many years now.

  12. Hi Teresa,
    Great t shirt. I'm camera shy as well. I use the same photo on everying on the computer. One I like from a couple of years ago.

  13. Your photo is nice, Suzy - I can see why you like it :-)

  14. Hey Teresa, I've missed you! I read your story in That's Life Fast Fiction - as usual, loved it! Once all the computer/internet stuff is sorted looking forward to reading more of your posts. Keep smiling xox

  15. Like the slogan, Teresa.

  16. Thank you, Diane :-) I can't wait to be sorted out!

    Great isn't it, Patsy - I'll have to write a novel now!!

  17. I love the slogan. I have got to have one of those!
    At the moment, I am having a problem with blogspot in that it doesn't all load properly. I have 15 followers, but I can't see who they are. Weird!

  18. Teresa, my husband who's a bit of an amateur botanist agrees the closed flower is Goat's Beard but thinks the pink flower may be star thistle, related to knapweed.

  19. Eileen, vanishing followers is one of the problems. Hopefully they'll sort it out eventually.

    Thanks Kath - but it is all one and the same plant - well at least I thought it was. I shall have to go and have another look!

  20. I didn't know you could get the seeds, Maggie! But yes, I know that feeling well - pulling up seedlings I thought were weeds.
    Now the question - do I try to eat some of that salsify?

  21. I just thought salisfy was a posh vegetable - didn't know it had a pretty flower as well. You're right, Karen: blogger is soooo educational! x

  22. Me too, Lydia. I fancy trying it now, but I don't fancy the digging it up part :)

  23. Oh how I empathise - got a brand new imac the other day and it is amazing...for now LOL!

    Great picture by the way and I have enjoyed the comments almost as much as your post today. Salsify? Well I never! Salsify - Peel the root, then cut into short lengths and simmer for half an hour until soft. Drain, then sauté in a little butter.
    (I didn't know that either - just Googled it)

    Debbie :-)

  24. I've not read this book, but I have read Catch Me A Catch and loved it.

  25. I have been very tempted by imacs, Debbie. It's nice to know how to cook salsify.

    I've got Catch me a Catch on my list for next time I'm book shopping, Debs - it looks good :)

  26. Yay! Love your pic, tee shirt looks comfy, and the reading material fab (giggle!)

  27. Right on both counts, Sally :) Thank you!

  28. I've only just discovered your great blog, why didn't you tell me about it before! I'm already a fan.

  29. Same here Linda - I just found yours, through Eileen!
