Tuesday, 26 January 2010

100 Stories for Haiti

I haven’t been in Blogland much recently. It’s been a couple of weeks of colds, coughs, poorly children and not-so-great-me. But you don't want to hear about that.

I’ve been reading a lot and watching a lot of news programmes until I couldn’t bear to watch any more. I’m talking about Haiti of course.

Then yesterday I stumbled across this http://www.100storiesforhaiti.org/

Greg McQueen had the brilliant idea of gathering 100 stories to be published as an e-book, all proceeds to the Red Cross.

It’s a book I’ll definitely be buying.

Deadline for submissions has been extended to midnight Wednesday 27th January - wherever in the world you are.


  1. An image that will stay with me for a very long time is that of the young man that crawled to safety several hours after the Haiti government called off the search.

  2. It's a great idea - I sent them something. Hope they make loads of money.

  3. Great to see you back - hope you're all feeling better.

    Thanks for the link. This is a fantastic idea. Will definitely be buying a copy.


  4. Hope you and the family are all feeling better x

  5. An abiding image, Diane.

    Me too, Womag.

    Thanks, Suzanne.

    And thank you Helen.

  6. They've had more than 400 submissions, which is great and should mean the book itself will definitely be worth buying.

    I'll be letting all my friends and family know too.

  7. It is amazing isn't it, Bernadette.

  8. Thanks to Womag I had also heard about this and submitted. 400 - that's great and means the standard of the book will be very high!! I'll be sure to spread the word when it's out, whether I'm in there or not!
    Hope you are all feeling better, Teresa and thanks for visiting my blog!
