Tinks helped me wrap the
Christmas presents (well I say help, I mean she took up the sunny spot on the
table so I worked round her until she decided the bag with all my wrapping
paper in looked very comfy and sent rolls of wrapping paper flying across the
floor, then she went off in a huff because obviously I tricked her into
thinking the wrapping paper bag was some sort of soft squishy bed).
Tinks |
Talking of cats in huffs, Harley
wasn’t speaking to me when I took this photo.
Harley |
I keep treats in the cupboard
behind me and she taps me on the shoulder until I give her some. If I don’t
move fast enough, she starts shredding magazines, pulling tissues out of the
box and throwing things on the floor. When that didn’t work the other day, she said,
“It would be a shame if this little china unicorn that you treasure so much
were to get broken.” Then she gave it a smack and it flew off the shelf and landed
with a sickening crack on my mum’s old Toby jug. Luckily the
sickening crack was just a noise and nothing was broken. “Now will you give me
a treat?” she said.
I said I certainly would not
because her bottom is starting to look big in that fur coat. That’s why she came
and sat on my mouse mat with her back to me. What do you think? Of course I
caved and gave her some. She might be a little gangster, but she’s my lovely little
As I was typing this, she started with the shoulder tapping. The photos aren't great, but I managed to catch her in the act!
Ahem - Excuse me |
I'm here! |
For heaven's sake woman, tap tap, give me a treat! |
She likes to keep my printer
warm too.
Every Printer Should Have One |
If Dusty wants a treat from the cupboard, he tries to dig his way into it (I think
Harley tells him to do that). Hm, I think keeping treats in there was a big
mistake. Every time I open the door to get out the sellotape or a new printer ink
or an envelope, Harley pops out of her little house-bed and Dusty pings out
from under my desk.
Dusty |
This is me wrapping up for
this year and wishing you a very Happy Christmas. I can’t tell you how excited
I am that we’re less than a week away from the Winter Solstice and the nights
starting to pull out again!