Wednesday, 6 April 2016

One Week Later...

Waiting for visitors

It is a week today since Dusty had his LPL operation. His wound is looking good – and when we went to our vet’s, she was very happy with him and said it couldn’t look better. We hadn’t seen her before, but she was absolutely lovely and made a huge fuss of Dusty which as you probably know, always goes down well with me.

Day 6

He had a special chewy as a reward for being brave when we got home. He shivered and shook all the way to the vet’s and I had to hold his tail out of the way when she looked at his wound as it was stuck firmly between his legs.

Reward for being brave

He’s using the leg a bit more now and is acting differently from how he was after the TPLO surgery. Then he’d had a bone cut completely in half then realigned and held in place with a metal plate and (understandably) he didn’t feel quite as well in himself afterwards.

This is him looking very sad and sorry for himself. It is his default look though and a moment after I took this photo, he was bouncing around – or trying to. My eldest grandson keeps working out how long this is all taking in dog time which is much longer than a few weeks.

Looking fed up

He does have lampshade free time when he has a chewy or his Kong stuffed with treats or just fuss and food time.


In other news – I used to be a very organised person – I used to make detailed lists of everything I had to do which caused me no end of stress. Then one day I cracked and tore them up and said I wasn’t going to be ruled by lists any longer and in future to hell with it, I was going to go with the flow.

Now I’ve become incredibly disorganised which causes me no end of stress (pass the Kalms). I don’t like computer organisers or the calendar thing on my phone. As part of my Mother’s Day present, my lovely daughter gave me this organiser. It’s a pad of sheets, so every Sunday I tear one off and write out my plan for the week and pin it on my board. This works better for me than having things written on the calendar as writing things down week by week puts it more clearly in my mind. It’s not as bossy as a list, but feels more like a gentle reminder.

My lovely organiser

This week Dusty and I have been sharing my office in the mornings with my eldest grandson so he can sit quietly and do his SATs revision. You should see the mountain of paperwork he has. It’s frightening! Afternoons are for fun though. We even got some garden time yesterday as it was so warm. Hope you are enjoying some spring sunshine!


  1. Sorry you've been feeling a little stressed but to be honest, it's no wonder. You've had so much on your plate lately. Try to remember to be kind to yourself. I love your organisation board :) What a lovely daughter.

    1. Thank you, Nicola. It was my same lovely daughter who suggested the Kalms. They've been a great help, but woe betide anyone who asks, "Have you taken your Kalms today?" ;-) xx

  2. So pleased that Dusty is improving each day - one less stress! I completely agree with using paper and pen rather than computer or phone for recording things to do - I have a similar kind of pad but keep forgetting to use it. Must get more organised.

    1. Thank you, Rosemary. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one to prefer paper and pen as so many people seem to use their phones or computers :-) xx

  3. I think you deserve a reward as well as Dusty. Glad to hear he's doing well. Not glad to hear about the stress, but I'm not surprised. One day all this trouble with Dusty will be over and, in your new stress-free state, you'll look back and wonder how you coped.

    1. I look forward to being stress free again Lynne - getting out in the fresh air has always helped me de-stress, so once he's better there'll be no stopping us :-) xx

  4. Teresa, I could do with one of those. I'm incredibly disorganised.

    I'm glad Dusty is on the mend.

    1. Perhaps creative people are more disorganised, Frances :-) xx

  5. I'm so glad Dusty's on the mend. Your organiser looks great Teresa. I'm so disorganised, i could really do with something like that. I just jot things down on bits of paper then lose them or forget where i put them, so in the end i just give up and go with the flow! :)xx

    1. I think whatever works for you is best, Deb :-) xx

  6. So delighted that Dusty is improving well and I know what you mean about lists - I seem to have them everywhere, including my phone!

    1. Thank you, Debs. I really should make more use of my phone for lists. The closest I get is sending texts or emails to myself reminding me to put something on my list :-) xx

  7. Glad that Dusty seems to be on the mend (big hug for Dusty). With regards to organisation, I never make lists of things to do in a day or week - I just store them in my head. I have a calendar on the wall for appointments but that's it. It's a wonder I get anything done really!

    1. Thanks, Wendy - he's loving the hugs!
      I can't store anything in my head any more - it's like a tea strainer :-) And I forget to look at my calendar. Between your head and your calendar, I think you've got it right :-) xx

  8. I'm glad Dusty is improving and hope the sorry for himself look is soon very rare.

    1. Thank you, Patsy - he has perfected that sad look. He's really, really fed up with it all now. Hopefully we can take him to hydrotherapy soon - that'll cheer him up no end :-) xx
