Friday, 16 May 2014

A Day In The Life...

1.30 am:  Dusty goes outside, sniffs out interesting sniffs, disappears behind bushes and goes deaf to my reminders that he woke me up because he was desperate for a wee.

1.35 am: I struggle into the nearest pair of trainers which might be someone else’s size 13s, have a fruitless search for the torch, then go out to look for him in the pitch dark.

1.36 am: Dusty remembers why he woke me up and gets on with it.

4 am: It is time to wake up. Yes it is! It is! It really is! Dusty is so hungry. He won’t last another minute without food. I pretend to be asleep.

4.30: He starts looking for things to destroy. The sound of ripping or gnawing gets me up. I am awake enough this time to remember dressing gown and crocs and I head for the garden. Dusty stays in the kitchen looking up at where I keep his food while I wander round outside on my own. I tell him to stop taking the micky and I go to clean out Harley’s litter tray. Harley wakes up and wants breakfast. So I feed her and she sniffs it and says, “I don’t fancy chicken today.”

4.45 am: Dusty goes to sleep next to my desk while I play senseless games like Odd Socks and Angry Birds on Facebook. Harley paces up and down on the filing cupboards, throwing things on the floor because she wants some of the dry chicken treats I have in the filing cupboard because she really really fancies chicken today. Dusty doesn’t move until I feed him at 7. Somehow he has managed not to starve to death.

And so the day begins.

“You haven’t fed us for at least half an hour. We want food!”

“Yes, I was chewing the Alienware file, but I’m hungry and bored and I’ve only been out for two walks,”


“I am pretending to play with the smallest boy, but really I am chewing the end of the tablet cable and no one knows mwahahahaha. It wouldn’t happen if they fed me.”


“These magazines aren’t as tasty as I thought, but if they were to feed me I wouldn’t have to eat paper.”

9 pm:  “So hungry. Can’t stay awake any longer.”

Not that I am complaining about them being keen on their food. Very glad they are.

His routine has varied somewhat over the last few days with more frequent wake up calls during the night due to his poorly tum.

Yesterday he started the day by falling off my bed and landing in a whimpering heap. Luckily we already had a vet appointment booked as now we had a limp to worry about as well as poorly tums. So no walks for him in case he’d damaged something.

Vet checked Harley and Dusty, listened to their tums, gave them a good feel and took their temperatures (which did not go down well with either of them). He didn’t see any point in sending off the poo samples I’d so diligently collected and gave them both a probiotic to take for three days.

Then he checked Dusty all over and said there was no sign of fractures. He watched him walk and said it was a soft tissue injury and he’d probably be all right by today. He’s still limping though, but better in himself and I’m encouraging him to rest, but it’s not easy!

We have to go back if things don’t settle down and perhaps take another sample – oh joy! So far so good – they both seem much better. I have a feeling we’ll be going back about his limp though.

As I wander round the garden in the early hours, I remember the mad old cat lady who used to live near us. The one that used to wander round in her nightie in the middle of the night and I am afraid – I am very afraid.


  1. ...not that you spoil them, of course? No. I thought not.

    What lucky animals!

    1. Oh, absolutely not, Frances, no, I don't spoil them at all x

  2. Oh Teresa. What a brilliant post. Never mind Dusty falling off the bed, I was in imminent danger of falling off my chair laughing.
    So glad the tums are better and hope Dusty's leg is soon fine again.
    Now go feed them you mean old cat-and-dog lady who wanders around in her nightie in the middle of the night ..........just saying :o) xx

  3. I just know I'm going to appear on You Tube one of these days, Sue - as a warning to others!! x

  4. So funny, Teresa. Your fur babies don't half keep you on your toes! Hope they are all feeling better soon. Caroline xxxx

    1. Their tums are better - I should have known that just making the appointment would sort things out! But Dusty's still limping, so back to the vet next week methinks x

  5. I have a plate in my house : "The Dog lives here with his team of housekeepers" - just in case anyone was in any doubt who is in charge in our house! I have a feeling the same goes for you...from one mad cat/dog lady to another,xxx

    1. Sounds about right, Lydia :-) Everyone here is under strict instructions at the moment to carry Dusty up and down stairs and not let him jump anywhere - hope he doesn't expect this sort of VIP treatment when he weighs 20 kilos! x

  6. It's good that you can turn this into a comedy, Teresa. I've also noticed that you still have time to turn in some excellent stories for PF. It's not difficult to see where you find your inspiration.

  7. It's good that you can turn this into a comedy, Teresa. I've also noticed that you still have time to turn in some excellent stories for PF. It's not difficult to see where you find your inspiration.

  8. It's good that you can turn this into a comedy, Teresa. I've also noticed that you still have time to turn in some excellent stories for PF. It's not difficult to see where you find your inspiration.

  9. It's good that you can turn this into a comedy, Teresa. I've also noticed that you still have time to turn in some excellent stories for PF. It's not difficult to see where you find your inspiration.

  10. It's good that you can turn this into a comedy, Teresa. I've also noticed that you still have time to turn in some excellent stories for PF. It's not difficult to see where you find your inspiration.

  11. At least you have animals. I keep going out late at night in my nightie to deal with plants. There's a security light, so I don't think it's much good pretending no one has ever noticed.

  12. Having pets is a bit like having kids. No difference really.

  13. I grew up with a dog and we had a cat before I got married but I must confess I'm glad I don't have the responsibility for animals now - I'll just enjoy reading about your disturbed sleep!

    1. He's letting me sleep in until 3.30 now, Rosemary, before his first wake up call. One day he will sleep through till I wake up - I hope :-) x

  14. This was such a lovely, entertaining post,Teresa - although I'm sure it was far more entertaining for all of us than it was for you - what a night! I hope Harley and Dusty recover fully from their upsets very soon and allow you some peaceful sleep.

    Our cats keep waking us up at all hours wanting Dreamies! I'm beginning to regret ever buying them. What started as a treat has become an obsession! xxx

    1. To be honest if I didn't laugh I think I'd cry. Oh those Dreamies - they are SO addictive aren't they. What on earth do they put in them? Even Dusty goes mad for them (but to be fair he goes mad for anything!) x

    2. And Joanna, I meant to say - your story in June WWFS - No Consequence - beautifully written from start to finish. Absolutely wonderful - it would be worth buying the magazine for that alone xx

  15. Greetings human, Teresa,

    Yes and yay, I have arrived. Good heavens, human, Teresa. What a life you have with your furry friends. Of course, I rule my house. Then again, not cats to try and take over.

    Nicely done, despite the fact it might not exactly have been all fun for your fine human self. I think I need another doggy nap!

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny :) x

    1. Wow, Penny, you certainly have! I was delighted to get a comment from you and very glad you rule your house x

  16. They're so cute, and demanding as well Teresa. Hope you get this post, things have been playing up a bit lately, not sure what things. Loved your story in this weeks People's Friend. So lovely. I'm going to sort the one I wrote out soon, and change it quite a lot... Talk soon. xxx

    1. Thank you, Susan. Good luck with your story. I have had problems posting on a few blogs recently x

  17. Oh I love it! The mad cat and dog lady walks again...the joys of puppies and kittens eh? I was out of the house by 7.45am today to take two of my grandchildren to nursery. one wanted to stay with Grandma but they had me all day yesterday so I stood firm and to nursery they went. Cruel grandma! :-) (Nursery was closed yesterday due to Wickham Fair) :-)

  18. Oh I love it! The mad cat and dog lady walks again...the joys of puppies and kittens eh? I was out of the house by 7.45am today to take two of my grandchildren to nursery. one wanted to stay with Grandma but they had me all day yesterday so I stood firm and to nursery they went. Cruel grandma! :-) (Nursery was closed yesterday due to Wickham Fair) :-)

    1. Aw of course they'd rather be with grandma! It's hard to stand firm though isn't it, but has to be done x

  19. Lovely as they are, I'm with Rosemary, pets are too much responsibility, and heartache. But I do love reading about all their antics.

    1. I seem to have successfully tied myself to home again, Maggie :-) x

    2. Is that why you're a writer Teresa?

    3. Probably, Maggie - I can't stray far :-) x

  20. No doubt about it, children and animals can turn your life upside down. Something tells me you wouldn't have it any other way, Teresa. xx
