Saturday, 10 September 2011

Ten Random Things

Thanks to Patsy for the tag!

Ten random things about me - here goes.

1. My mum was a witch.

2. My great aunt owned an opal mine.

3. My grandad was born in Dublin.

4. My favourite crystal is Ocean Jasper. This is a particularly nice piece and the photo doesn’t do it justice, but you can see right into it, like looking into a glass cavern – trust me!

5. I’m a Taurean.

6. I’m also a Rooster.

7. I walked round for six weeks in agony with a broken foot before I had X Rays by which time the fracture had started to heal itself.

8. I like green sweets best. Yummy. Here is a picture of some Fruit Pastilles. No green ones. I’ve eaten them all.

9. I fall over a lot.

10. The first time I rode a motorbike I was pregnant and forgot how to use the brakes. It was also the last time I drove a motorbike.

And now your mission should you wish to accept it Wanna be a Writer, Gail, Penandpaints, Suzanne and Caroline – you know the drill!



  1. Love the ten random things, Teresa. I used to eat all the green sweets too (but I only chocolate now!)

  2. If only someone would invent chocolate covered green fruit pastilles, Rosemary - no? Maybe not!

    Indeed she was, Martin. I was never allowed to see her broomstick because she said it was getting old and losing its bristles, but all the kids in our street used to look out at Halloween waiting for her to fly past. My cousin wrote a poem about her witchery and bound it in a little book and if I can find it, I'll reproduce it on this blog one day.

  3. I'll share a tube of fruit pastilles with you any time. I like the red and the purple, but the green not so much.

  4. I've never heard of ocean jasper, but now I want to see some.

  5. Okay Joanne, I'll have the green ones, you have the red and purple ones and we'll give the yellow and orange ones away :-)

    It's lovely, Patsy - usually ocean jasper has orbs on it and I have other pieces that do, but that particular one doesn't and I am extremely fond of it.

  6. Ooh, that sounds pretty exotic. A witch for a mother and an opal mine in the background. Opals are supposed to be unlucky, but hopefully your mum was a white witch! :)

    I can never decide which fruit pastille I like the best. I've recently rediscovered them after many years. And fruit gums are even better.

  7. I don't think the opal mine brought them a lot of luck, Jenny.
    I can't eat fruit gums - too painful, but I would if I could (green ones of course)!

  8. Silly me - the ocean jasper does have orbs on the other side, the side I rarely look at! Tiny ones.

  9. Oooh, thank you for the nomination, Teresa.

    My favourite green sweets of all time are lime creams. It's very hard to find them in proper fondant form, but I was delighted to discover our local Julian Graves stocks them. Although at nearly £3 for 90g, I can't eat as many as I'd like :0(
    I'm also fond of green Opal Fruits (hate calling them Starburst).


  10. You're welcome, Suz!

    And now you've made my mouth water - just the mere mention of an Opal Fruit :-)

  11. Thanks for the nomination Teresa. I loved your "10". I'm intrigued about your 1st one though. ;o) Caroline x

  12. Nice to know your Mum was a witchy woman! My Mum always maintained she was too, although I think all the "premonition" stuff came from her Romany roots! Must be a story in there somewhere! x

  13. Teresa - Fascinating facts! I share 5,6 and 9 with you.

    Suzanne - Lime creams are easy to make at home. I'll be making some soon, since my daughter has gone off on her travels again and left me wit a big bag of lemons and limes. I'll post the recipe in my blog, if you'd like, and maybe Teresa can let you have it. (If Teresa doesn't mind.)

  14. That's lovely, Lydia - definitely worthy of a story!

    Must be something about being Taurean Roosters that make us fall over, Jacula :-) Having now tried one of your recipes, my mouth is watering at the thought of your lime creams - I shall definitely pass the recipe on to Suzanne when you post it :-)

  15. Hey Teresa,
    Wish I'd visited sooner to read these ten random, incredibly fascinating things about your good self :)
    Do you know if beginner witches 'fly off the handle'?
    Take care and Penny the Jack Russell and modest internet star is sending you a doggy kiss X

  16. Thank you, Gary! Yes beginner witches do fly off the handle, so do experienced ones. My mum used to fly off the handle a lot and I am following in her broom-steps.
    And thanks to Penny the Jack Russell and modest internet star for her doggy kiss x

  17. Great list of things, that have given us an incite into your everyday life.

    I also like green sweets. My favourite being Chocolate Limes. I've got the urge to chomp some now, better go and find somewhere that sells them!

  18. Thank you, Maria. I now have a craving for chocolate limes :-)

  19. You can buy chocolate limes in lots of places but they should come with a health warning. My Other Half rediscovered this childhood delight a few years ago when he was a truck driver and ended up having to have 3 fillings and a tooth extracted some months later!

  20. I love your ten things.
    I can't bring myself to say Starburst either. Do you remember Opal Mints? I really loved those. And I like orange and yellow fruit pastilles best.

  21. Ouch Jacula!

    Ooh yes, Opal Mints, Joanna - and Spangles, do you remember those? I used to love the Old English ones. As to the Opal Fruits, we could share a pack with Joanne and all get what we wanted :-)
